Donnerstag, 29. August 2013
PC Trio doing "The Right Stuff"
Very exiciting days!!
Next Sunday I´ll be playing my first Gig with my new trio, "PC´s Right Stuff" with a very new and crispy program.
The guys, Ning Jyiang on piano and JJ Lateef on drums are really into the music, also contributing with some originals.
The Gig will be at Onkel Wanjas, (Theater der Jugend, Elizabeh Platz in Munich) on Sunday at 19.30 hours.
Very fine music,charming Wanja telling good jokes and good drinks etc.
So, stop by the spot and have joy with us!!
PC Trio "the Right Stuff"
At Onkel Wanjas ( Theater der Jugend, Elizabeth Platz)
Sunday September the 1 at 19.30 hours.
Be welcome all of you!!
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