Donnerstag, 17. Oktober 2013
the news
Hi Folks,
I ´ve got some news for you!
I just came back from Vienna, where I was invited to take part at the Fritz Pauer Memorial Concert. It was a great event with a lot of bands playing at the Jazz Club „Porgy and Bess“. The line up was something I did not have in the last 10 years or so:
Mario Gonzi on the Drums, Oliver Kent on the piano, Harry Sokal on the tenor and soprano and myself on the bass. Of course we played some tunes from the Art Farmer Song Book, which also includes many of Fritz´s compositions. We played Santana´s "Flight", which is certainly one of the most sophisticated tunes ever being put on the paper.
It is a long, long composition about the peruvian bird "Santana" describing its flight with a astonishingly out chorus. Everybody in the band took a few choruses. I´m sure Fritz would have had fun listening to us - maybe he did, wherever he may be now!
Harry played that song so amazingly good, and so did Mario and Oliver!
Some other tunes we played were: „Fairytale Countryside“ (another classical by Fritz) the ballad of the ballads „Soul Eyes“ by Mal Waldron, and one of Arts favorites tunes „Be my Love!!“.
The audience went nuts!!! And so did we! And now I´m back in Munich, enjoying my job as a teacher at the UMPA (MHS), passing on young people the torch of Jazz so they can carry on the flame.
That much for now. Don´t forget to come to see my trio "DA RIGHT STUFF" at Onkel Wanja´s Bar. We will be performing on 3th November, 2013 at 08:30 p.m. The very best to all of you!!! PC
Donnerstag, 29. August 2013
PC Trio doing "The Right Stuff"
Very exiciting days!!
Next Sunday I´ll be playing my first Gig with my new trio, "PC´s Right Stuff" with a very new and crispy program.
The guys, Ning Jyiang on piano and JJ Lateef on drums are really into the music, also contributing with some originals.
The Gig will be at Onkel Wanjas, (Theater der Jugend, Elizabeh Platz in Munich) on Sunday at 19.30 hours.
Very fine music,charming Wanja telling good jokes and good drinks etc.
So, stop by the spot and have joy with us!!
PC Trio "the Right Stuff"
At Onkel Wanjas ( Theater der Jugend, Elizabeth Platz)
Sunday September the 1 at 19.30 hours.
Be welcome all of you!!
Montag, 12. August 2013
Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013
Montag, 29. Juli 2013
I´ll be playing with Tim Collins, the incredible Vibes player (also drummer and pianist)
at the Jazz Club Vogler on the 31 of July. We gonna play tunes by Johny Mandel, Billy Strayhorn
Duke Ellington and a bunch of originals. so, come by if you can and let us entertain you!
Music to make you happy and sooth weary souls.
so, I hope to see you there.
a great summer for all of you! PC
Samstag, 20. Juli 2013
Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013
Hi guys, I´m working on the editing of my new CD still!!!
it is really hard to get some 50-60 minutes of great music out of almost 3 and a half hours of recorded music! sometimes it makes me confused waht to choose. to many good soloing from everybody... so, let me go on... until later and all the best to everybody!
PS: I´m gonna post some new (old!!) music today
Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013
Hi all of you,
wanna let you know that I had yesterday a great recording session at the "realistic sound" with Florian Oestreich on the "buttons" for my new CD
This time with Adriano Prestel voc., JJJ on the drums Simon Seidl on the
Piano, Florian Trübsbacher on the reeds and myself on Bass. We record three of my tunes: Look up for you , a song that I wrote some years ago for I great love, Joyfully a gospel tip of thing that celebrates joy of being a musician and Trying out a song that describes those very first moments of loving somebody. as you can see lots of love involved… no lies…
I also recorded 5 more of my compositions in the beginning march in S. Paulo with:
Djalma Lima on the guitar, Leo Montana on the piano, Junior Galante on the trumpet, Lelo Izar on the drums, Wanja Slavin on the alt sax and Paulo Malheiros on the Bone. Those were for me unforgettable moments! Those guys treat me with so much soul, respect, a professional attitude that included so much dedication to my music as I have never had it before! Got no words to express my gratitude but saying thanks,thanks and many more thanks to all of you again! The tunes we recorded: a three parts small suite that includes Grey Dreams, Wee Hours and And Now.So, I got to go back to the mixing session and I will let you know more about the other tunes on my next comment.
Hope you dig it and if you want, just post a comment.
Talk to you soon
Montag, 1. Juli 2013
Naturally, I always like to come back to my musical roots, Brazilian Music. I am working right now on my new CD, which is planned to be released in December 2013. It was recorded in March 2013 in São Paulo with wonderful musicians : Djalma Lima,Lelo Izar, Junior Galante, Paulo Malheiros,Wanja Slavin, Leo Montana.
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